recentlie offers photography services, from on location shoots to post-production finishing touches. Spot on, on site — in Berlin and beyond. recentlie focuses on documenting art and architecture — whether individual images or series, installation views, interiors or exteriors. From detail views to wide shots, from small to large format.
Exhibition documentation is an art in itself. recentlie looks beyond individual works and capture the dialogue that takes place between multiple exhibits in a space. This means creating high-resolution reproductions of paintings and prints with accurate colors, in addition to staging sculptures and three-dimensional objects.
recentlie’s trained eye results from several years of experience as a documentary photographer. The individual demands of the photographed object are always at the forefront of his practice. The result is uncompromising high-resolution documentation of exhibitions, installations and performances, whether in the museum, the gallery, or at an art fair. Final retouching and composition takes place on a calibrated monitor with attention to the overall image.
With a knack for seeing the bigger picture, understanding concepts and developing strategies — from photographing on location to retouching and post-production — Stefan Haehnel is the photographer behind the camera — and behind recentlie.